About Alcohol & Drug Abuse

Contact Us

  • Counseling Center
    1301 N. 3rd Street
    Atchison, KS 66002

    Grace Mulcahy
    (913) 360-7621
  • Student Health Center
    215 M Street
    Atchison, KS 66002

    Laura O’Grady, RN, BSN
    (913) 360-7117
  • Student Life Office
    St. John Paul II Student Center
    1020 North 2nd Street
    Atchison, KS 66002

    Mr. Michael Rolling
    Assistant Director of Residence Life/Director of Student Conduct
    (913) 360-7502

Alcohol and Drug Task Force

The Alcohol and Drug Task Force (ADTF) meets throughout the academic year to plan and host educational and outreach activities.  The ADTF assists the Residence Life department by sponsoring non-alcohol events as well as a Spring Break activity each year.  Additionally, the ADTF purchases magnets with emergency phone numbers for student rooms and participates in the Student Health Fair.